
Dr. G'ovich

(a.k.a. The Doc, Snake Oil, The Eeeeeevil One)

One of my college roommates, G'ovich (pronounced JEE-oh-vich) holds a doctorate in messing with my mind. One of my best friends in college, our friendship has had its ups and downs over the years, but seems to have stabilized on the positive side of the continuum . . . for now. Likes to play the role of villain, which is fitting, since he is pure Eeeeeevil at heart. Married (to Rocket G'ovich) with three kids

Affiliations: Parkerites, Roomies, PFL

Memorable Catchphrases:
"Two shiny dimes!"
“You realize you aren’t hurting me at all"
"Don't confuse G'ovich with reality."

Significant Storylines
Curse You, G'ovich! (the post)
A Paradox, a Paradox, a Most Ingenious Paradox
Meet the Parkerites Pt.1
The Secret Origin of Cap'n Neurotic
Curse You, G'ovich! (the blog)
First Semester, First Impressions
"Very Bad Things": A G'ovich Guest Post
Trash Talkin' About Trash Talkin'
Crisis on Earth-K!
Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Center of Eeeeeeeeeeevil
Just to Be Clear: At No Point During This Story Was Anyone Actually Stripped Naked
10 More Land Units!
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Whammy, Wowee, Zowee! You've Just Been Pranked!
Road Trip, Redux: California, Here We Come!
All Your Base Are Belong to My Roomies
Saturday at Six Flags Pt.1: The Parkerite Experience

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